The OSFest 2024 grid is open for participants to build what they want this year! We welcome creators, builders, and merchants along with performers and sponsors. There are improvements this year based on your feedback over the past two years. Thank You! Each year we begin anew - together. It's a new grid, with a new layout, ready for new exhibits, stores, and events!
There are up to 36 free small exhibit parcels (64mx48m), 12 free large exhibit parcels (108mx108m), 12 free small merchant store parcels (64mx48m), and 4 free large merchant parcels (108mx108m). Some are already reserved while others are offline until we need to bring them up as more participate. Regions up right now with free parcels are on the northern and eastern shores of the mainland. All public region names start with OSF so you can simply put that in the world map to get around once you get there!
1) How do I get a free parcel?
a) Hypergrid using this address in your world map: grid.opensimfest.com:8022:OSF_HGWelcome or use this hop address: hop://grid.opensimfest.com:8022/OSF_HGWelcome/136/156/22 in the Firestorm viewer.
b) Find an available merchant store parcel in OSF_N_Stores or OSF_S_Stores.
c) Find an available exhibit parcel in OSF_NW_exhibits, OSF_N_Exhibits, or OSF_NE_Exhibits. As these fill up, we will bring more regions online with more free parcels.
d) Touch the parcel rental sign then step into the parcel and rez a box. If successful, you can edit the Parcel name and description using About Land tools then touch the parcel sign again to show these details on the sign!
Have fun, start building or bringing in your creations to show then invite friends to participate too! Please try to be done by late September in case there are issues we need to help with before opening day on October 4th. If you need help, ask! Banker Ibor, Grid Builder, or Shelenn Ayres can help merchants and exhibitors.
2) Can I have more than one parcel?
Yes, as long as there are enough to go around! Please let us know what your needs are. Some participate as both exhibitors and merchants. Tell your friends because this is your OSFest. We provide the space and help if you need it!
3) What about performers?
Rosa Alekseev has booked 94 performer hours to date with 16 hours open. Get in touch with her to get on the schedule!
4) Can I tip or buy/sell with Gloebits at OSFest?
Yes! Performers and Merchants often accept Gloebits so the grid is Gloebit-enabled. Paypal tip jars are available as well. If we get more than we need to cover costs as we did in 2022, we issue stipends to our volunteer performers so there is no money leftover each year.
5) Who is Grid Builder?
This is an admin avatar that owns the estates and land on the OSFest grid. Different people on the team may use this avatar when providing support in-world.
6) How can I help with the costs?
We have different sponsor levels available and accept both Gloebits and Paypal to help with the server costs for months the grid is being built, during the Festival, and the windup after the Festival. You can learn more about sponsor parcels on the grid and different levels of sponsorship (including using in-world tip jars or sending money to Shelenn Ayres avatar).
To sponsor, touch the button near the bottom of the page to submit your details so we can promo/advertise for you and so you can see the address to send money. https://www.opensimfest.com/sponsors
Sponsor parcels surround the event regions in the middle of the grid and border exhibits and stores regions on the mainland. If you see a sponsor parcel available in-world, touch the parcel rental sign in the parcel then the ground prim to open the sponsor web page if you have not already sent us your information and contribution.
Land contributions as low as $3 USD up to $100 are appreciated! Sponsor parcels available include: 38 Ruthenium, 4 Osmium, 4 Platinum, 4 Palladium, 8 Iridium, and 1 Rhodium. Some can be combined if needed. If you don't want land you can contribute as an Indium sponsor or even buy ads on the website via tip jars or the website.
The grid content build is ongoing so 'scuse the mess and join the excitement.
Same goes for the website and Discord. Volunteers make it happen! There is still time to join the team. There is room for everyone who wants to participate in whatever way they choose. Here's to OSFest and all of us! #OSFest2024