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Planning is underway... here is how to get involved!

First, join us in Discord using this link

Second, we now have a combined volunteer and performer signup schedule at

Each day, we hope to have 2 greeters and 2 moderators. For the times where we have performers we may also need host/hostess if the performer does not have their own.

An integrated events calendar will be available for all events (exhibitors, merchants, and performers) with more details before OpenSim Fest is open to the public. This will be embedded in the calendar page of the website. It would be great if exhibitors and merchants getting free parcels can help fill some of these slots!

I will start work on a reservation system for exhibitors and merchants to reserve a parcel. The grid will not be available to start parceling and building until sometime in March. At that time parcels will be defined and assigned.



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