On July 8, 2023 we opened registration for OSFest 2023 and so far 4 themed exhibit parcels and 5 merchant store parcels have been reserved. These free parcels provided by our sponsors and volunteers are first come first serve so you may want to get yours reserved soon.
To reserve a parcel for a themed exhibit or a merchant store in the OSFest grid, all you need to do is grab a ticket for a small or large parcel! Details are found on the Register page of the website.
Sponsors have started reserving their parcels as well using the form at the bottom of the Sponsors page of the website. So far, sponsors have funded $300 of $1143 towards our production costs this year. Costs breakdowns are detailed on that page.
Our Discord Server is getting busier too so be sure to Join Us if you use Discord. There is a community-forum added this year for everyone to help each other out! For those using Facebook, our page is https://www.facebook.com/opensimfest/